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At UKFMS, we pride ourselves in delivering a professional, efficient and effective service to our customers

Youth Emergency Training

Youth Emergency Training (Y.E.T)

It is a sad fact that the world our children are growing up in is becoming increasingly dangerous.

The news tells us regularly of tragic circumstances where young people's lives are ended by avoidable incident or deliberate act.


We at UKFMS, being Emergency Responders witness the outcome and devastation caused by these incidents or acts.


The nature of danger to our young people is constantly evolving. As 999 workers we feel it imperative that we share our experience to prepare young people for any eventuality by providing them with the necessary skills, contributing towards their safety and role as a citizen in society.


Additional information..


​Our advertised dates are intended as open courses to provide availability to singular young people, whether that be young people who are home schooled or from small communities.


For schools, educational establishments and youth organisations please contact our team directly.


*Minimum Age Requirements Apply


Key Stage 1 (Ages 5-7)

1.1 First Aid role play
1.2 Community Resilience story time
1.3 Meeting a stranger
1.4 Fire 

Key Stage 2 / 3 (Ages 7-14)

2.1 Emergency First Aid
2.2 Keeping safe when out with 
friends - Stranger Danger!
2.3 Road Safety Awareness 
2.4 Cycle Safety
2.5 CitizenAID - First on scene
2.6 Fire Safety and Prevention
2.7 Treating Stab wounds & Corrosive substance attacks*
2.8 Safe around water
2.9 Run-Hide-Tell Terrorism Safety*


Young Adults (Ages 15-25)

3.1 Emergency First Aid

3.2 CitizenAID - First on scene 

3.3 Treating Stab wounds & Corrosive substance attacks

3.4 Fire Safety and Prevention 

3.5 New driver emergency preparedness

3.6 Travelling in cars with young drivers

3.7 Alcohol & Drug Awareness

3.8 Personal safety

3.9 Practical Community Resilience 

3.10 Run-Hide-Tell Terrorism Safety

3.11 Mental Health Crisis Action

For ages 5 to 25!

Our Services

Key Stage 1 Modules
2/3 Key Stage Modules
Young Adults Modules
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